Friday, January 12, 2007

Super Philip

This is my little super hero, Philip, who just turned four.
Philip is all boy. He loves super heros, trains, trucks and tools. He loves to take things apart and figure out how they work. Usually he can figure it out, and if not you would never know it by the detailed description he will give you of all the inner workings. Philip has been fascinated by tools since he could crawl. He loves to be his Grandpa's little helper whenever he has a project going on at his house. Lately Philip has been talking about his plans to make a clubhouse. He tells us all the things he will need to build it, plywood, some "regular" wood, nails and screws, two by fours and lots of tools. So daddy got him some real kid sized tools for his birthday, and he got nails in his Christmas stocking. They were as big a hit as the toys.

The many faces of Philip. I'm not sure I can acurately portray in words just how wonderful his many faces are. He has the most expressive eyes and can make the perfect pouty little mouth. When he smiles his eyes just light up and he has a big dimple on his cheek that just makes you want to kiss him. Even when he is mad he looks cute, he can wrinkle his forehead and purse his lips so tight he looks like a grumpy old man. Philip frequently has a very serious look on his face, like he is pondering the ways of the world. But whatever his mood Philip is so intense and yet still so adorable he can make me smile no matter how frustrated I might be.
Philip is a devoted brother who admires his big sister, and shows a good amount of patience towards his younger brother and sister. Whether they are all playing in the sandbox together, building with the train tracks or playing make believe, they all do a pretty good job of playing together cooperatively. Philip makes a great leader (when the others will listen) always coming up with the most creative ideas for super hero gadgets or forts to build and kinds of play food to make. I am constantly in awe of the way his mind works. He is so clever and completely unique.
Despite all of his seriousness, the boy has a great sense of humor. He has clever come backs, and can rattle off one liners from any of his favorite movies or cartoons. His knock knock jokes lack a punch line, but his delivery is so enthusiastic I end up laughing anyway. But it is his infectious giggle that gets me in stitches every time.
Philip is also one of the loviest boys in the world. He loves to snuggle and cuddle. He will smother you in kisses until you want to scream, but who can bear to push away a sweetheart with a dimple and love to share? He always remembers to say I love you mommy before he goes to bed, and when he wakes up in the morning, and whenever he says goodbye, or hello, or if he walks past you in the house, or if he sees you around the corner, or if..... yep he is my lovey little boy, and I wouldn't change him for the world.
I can't believe God has blessed me with such a wonderful son. He is smart and sweet, funny and caring all rolled up into the most adorable brown-eyed, dimple-faced little charmer.
Before I had this little man I wasn't sure how I would be as the mom of a boy. I didn't get the noises boys made and had no interest in mud pies or super heroes. But he has taught me so much, the love of locamotives and all machinery, the powers of each superhero and the importance of believing in them, and most importantly that it isn't our differences, but our similarities that matter.
I thank God for the gift of Philip, my son, my superhero, my boy. He is a treasure and a blessing. I pray God will continue to mold him and shape him into a man of integrity with a love for God and all that is good. I pray he will learn to use his talents and gifts to make the world a better place. I pray he will share his love with others and be a light of Christ's love to all that he meets. I pray God will continue to teach me how to be the best mom I can be, especially to my boys who constantly surprise me.


Samantha Seholm said...

Philip cracks me up, he is so funny and acts so much older then he is I sometimes forgot he is only 4.