Thursday, January 11, 2007


I remember a few years ago a pastor at my church gave a sermon on friendships. He talked about the need to have friends, and not just one good friend or even one kind of friend but friends that reflect the many colors of our life. My girlfriends spread sunshine into my life making a rainbow out of a rainy day.

Here I am pictured with some of my very best friends including my sister Kim, Kathleen, Stacey, Me and Sam. We're enjoying a progressive dinner party for my 29th birthday last summer. Some things I will always remember about this night are: 1)The Table Umbrella that swooped straight up out of it's stand, turned in mid-air and attacked my sister putting her in danger of her life 2) the laughter we shared that night, although the specific reasons why we laughed so hard are gone, the sound of our laughter still rings in my ear, 3) The search for a nice place to get dessert and a cup of coffee in our town after 10pm .... search still on.

This is Samantha. One of the best friends a girl could ask for. She gets me. I don't have to explain what I am thinking, because she usually knows before I can tell her. We have similar tastes, and lots of inside jokes since we have been friends since our early teen years. We know how to have a good time together, no matter what we are doing. We both have an unique sense of humor, which leads us into some fun adventures... especially if they will make for good scrapbook pages! No she doesn't normally dress as an animal adventuress, the animal print and cowboy hat are part of our shopping game. Thank goodness for girlfriends who deliver lattes to keep you from going crazy on snowy days and when you come up with an insane way to entertain yourself in a store, they join your fun so you don't look crazy alone! I love my BFF and life wouldn't be as great an adventure without her!


This is my girlfriend Stacey. We have only known each other a few years, but the bond was instantaneous. She has girl/boy twins just a year older then mine, so when I found out I was carrying twins, she was not only full of helpful advise but also the first one to offer to bring my family a meal when the babes were born. One of the most amazing things about Stacey is her amazing ability to give you just the perfect compliment at the perfect time. She always has just the right words of encouragement to share, or the perfect pick me up to get you smiling. She is also always a good sport in joining in on my zany idea of fun, doesn't she look mod in black and white?
Kimi Kay, my first friend, my counselor, my boss, my hero, my big sister. I will always look up to her, even though I grew taller than her by age 13. She knows pretty much everything about me, and for some odd reason still seems to love me. Of course we fight and disagree like all siblings, but there is an underlying love and support that sustains our relationship through the best and worst of times. We share more than a common bloodline, like humor, sarcasm, a love of coffee, scrapbooking and chic flicks. She is hilarious (at least to me) and just plain fun to be around. She is loyal, generous and tenderhearted. She is incredibly talented and creative, a great mom and a fabulous friend. I'm blessed to have her as a sister, and even more blessed to be able to call her my friend.


Samantha Seholm said...

I am so glad that I am your bff I would not want to be one with anyone else, you truely get me.