Friday, January 12, 2007

Sadie, Sadie Pretty Lady

My Girl

This is Sadie, my first born, my #1 baby, my doll. I can't believe she is 6 years old. I'm sure every parent is amazed at how quickly time goes by when you look at the life of your child. When I look at her I think "I remember every moment of your life, how could there be six years worth of memories already?"

Mercedes Jule is her full name. Mercedes means reward or gift, and I truly feel like Sadie is a gift from God. Jule is my Grandmother's middle name, and is also very fitting of my little "jewel". Sadie is a genuinely sweet girl. She is sensitive, thoughtful, generous, kind and caring. She hates to hurt anyone's feelings, and always tries to make the right choice. A lot of this comes from her faith. I'm amazed by the heart she has for God at such an early age. She loves Awana and is great at memorizing bible verses. She often takes her devotional bible to school with her and has even read from it to her entire first grade class, ad-libbing to make points she thought were important. I wouldn't be surprised if some day she were a missionary or a pastor. But nothing will surprise me that Sadie does, she is extremely talented and can be anything she dreams.
Okay so every parent gushes over their child (or at least they should) and thinks they are brilliant and wonderful, but in this case it is true. Sadie is brilliant, talented, artistic and beautiful. Yes, I'm a biased mother, but truely I think she has amazing talents for her age. She has been a motivated learner since she was little, choosing educational activities over anything else. She learned her alphabet easily, read early, and finds math fascinating. I don't pressure her in her education because I know she will choose to challenge herself, for now atleast. She loves to read books, everything from novels and non-fiction to the bible. Sadie is also a great artist and likes to take her time in drawing or painting. Actually she likes to take her time in everything she does, and tends to be a bit of a perfectionist, but hey, everyone has their challenges.
Sadie also has a fascinating sense of humor. She can entertain herself and her friends for hours with goofy comentary. She also keeps her dad and me laughing with her sophisticated sarcasm. Pair her sense of humor with her flair for the dramatic and she can be quite the clown. This drama queen began emerging at a young age. At under a year old she began pulling herself up to look in the mirror on the bathroom door where she would look at herself and practice crying and making sad faces or cracking herself up with different laughs and silly grins.
I love this girl and I am so glad I am her mom. She makes me proud every day, and I miss her every moment I am not with her. I pray God will bless her with a happy and fulfilling life. I pray she continues to follow and serve him with her whole heart like she does now. I pray she will always be blessed with friends as kind and thoughtful of her as I know she will be to them. And I pray that the Lord will help me to be the best mother to her that I can be, continuing to create a bond between us that lasts a lifetime.


Samantha Seholm said...

Sadie is such a sweetie, I cant believe she is already seven it seems just like yesterday that she was just a baby and David and I would hang out with you guys. My how time flies.