Sunday, January 14, 2007

Clowin' Carter


Carter, my sweet little man, my miraculous baby boy. He is charming, funny, quirky and cute. He is an entertainer, he loves to make people laugh, he constantly clowns around and he enjoys being the center of attention.

He is my youngest, only by two minutes, but still my baby. Born five weeks pre-mature and much smaller than his twin sister, Carter was small and fragile when he was born. I remember rocking him and watching him in the special care nursery, amazed by his tiny fingers and feet. I would watch him sleep and pray that he would keep taking the next breath. He had apnea and would often hold his breath setting off his monitors. He was prescribed liquid caffeine to help with his apnea, I found it ironic since I had given up drinking my mochas while pregnant with the twins.

There were definately times when I wondered if Carter would make it, and although he has encountered several health problems in the past few years, he has grown into a smart, sweet, and active little boy. He still has some special needs, hates changes in routine and doesn't do well with transitions, but he still amazes me. Life is often challenging to him because he gets overwhelmed by his surroundings, but it doesn't stop him. He learns to adjust, to cope, to navigate through obstacles that others might not face. And he does it with a courage and bravery that make me so proud of him.

Carter is a typical little boy in many ways. He loves trucks, trains and tools just like his big brother. He has the ability to make those strage boy noises just like every other male I know. He eats more than he weighs, and he makes a bigger mess than you would think possible. He also has a soft and sweet side that will charm its way right into your heart. When his big brown eyes look at me and he declares his love followed by "I need you Mommy, can you hold me?" I jut can't say no, who could?

Carter has been such a blessing to me. He has taught me that lots of problems can be solved with laughter, he has shown me that there is more than one way to look at the world, and he has blessed me with much to laugh about. I pray that Carter will continue to bravely overcome obstacles that come his way, and that God will continue to challenge Carter to be the best that he can be. I pray God will equip me to help Carter when he needs it, and show me when to let Carter face challenges that will help him grow into the Godly man he was created to be.


Samantha Seholm said...

Carter is so sweet I just love how he is so goofy and fun. What a sweet little boy.