Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's Cool Dude!

Another fun day at the splash park in Fairhaven yesterday. It was a pretty exciting day this time. A little girl snuggled against her mom sitting right behind us had seizure. A friend who was with them called the paramedics and her husband who was a doctor. I helped calm her down since I had seen seizures like hers before when Carter used to have them. At the same time a reporter just happened to show up from the herald. After the paramedics arrived he came and asked me what happened. I didn't know much and wanted to respect their privacy so I just said she had some kind of reaction and looked like she would be ok. He was more interested in getting pictures of kids playing in the water anyway. He took lots of pictures of the boys since many of the kids who were there were from a daycare and he didn't have parent permission. So they boys had a cute pic of them in the paper today with a quote from Philip saying It's Cool Dude! referring to the spash park.