Thursday, July 10, 2008

Faces of Philip

Philip can make the best pathetic faces in the entire world. I have often wondered if he secretly practices looking crushed and injured in the mirror. He actually wasn't upset about anything when I took these photos - he was just posing.
The looks are pretty easy to ignore most of the time, it's the constant groans and goat noises that are a little harder to let slide. This boy could be a professional grumbler. Like his dad he just seems to enjoy complaining. Kind of like an 85 year old man that doesn't have anything better to do than tell everyone his woes. If you could see inside his mind I'm sure he would have all of his complaints catalogued in alphebetical order to be easily accessessed at any given moment.
Top on his list is that he is hungry and that's because he is always hungry. But he doesn't just stop at stating he is hungry. No Philip takes it to the next level... Maybe to an entirely new level. For instance he might start by stating that he's hungry- then he goes on to say he needs food- he's starving- his tank is empty- he needs fuel- why don't I want to feed him- you know he could die if he didn't get fed - if his mother loved him she would make him food- ohhh--uhhh--ugghhh why won't I just get him some food- gosh it's not like he's asking for me to feed a whole army- man doesn't anybody care about him- okay he guesses he is just going to have to feed himself- oh finnnalllyyyy lunch is ready-- oh man yuck what is it?- oh man peanut butter and jelly, yeah thats his favorite but can't I even cut the crust off for him- gosh is he asking too much- well he's going to have to just pull it off then because he doesn't want to eat the crust today-
And then finally after eating and clearing his plate- thanks mom that was a good lunch!!-- (half an hour later)-- what are we going to have for dinner tonight?
Yep that's my boy!